Yihui Xie
Author of 48 CRAN packages
Yihui Xie has been on fire, working on 48 packages to date. Honestly, does Yihui Xie even sleep? This is some serious dedication! Yihui Xie has collaborated with a whopping 474 other authors. It's basically a small army of coders! Who knew package development could be such a social event?
48 Packages
- BrailleRImproved Access for Blind Users
- DTA Wrapper of the JavaScript Library 'DataTables'
- MSGData and Functions for the Book Modern Statistical Graphics
- Rd2roxygenConvert Rd to 'Roxygen' Documentation
- animationA Gallery of Animations in Statistics and Utilities to Create Animations
- blogdownCreate Blogs and Websites with R Markdown
- bookdownAuthoring Books and Technical Documents with R Markdown
- corrplotVisualization of a Correlation Matrix
- desctableProduce Descriptive and Comparative Tables Easily
- distill'R Markdown' Format for Scientific and Technical Writing
- evaluateParsing and Evaluation Tools that Provide More Details than the Default
- formatRFormat R Code Automatically
- funUse R for Fun
- highrSyntax Highlighting for R Source Code
- htmltoolsTools for HTML
- htmlwidgetsHTML Widgets for R
- imguRAn Imgur.com API Client Package
- installrUsing R to Install Stuff on Windows OS (Such As: R, 'Rtools', 'RStudio', 'Git', and More!)
- kableExtraConstruct Complex Table with 'kable' and Pipe Syntax
- knitrA General-Purpose Package for Dynamic Report Generation in R
- leafletCreate Interactive Web Maps with the JavaScript 'Leaflet' Library
- litedownA Lightweight Version of R Markdown
- markdownRender Markdown with 'commonmark'
- mimeMap Filenames to MIME Types
- pagedownPaginate the HTML Output of R Markdown with CSS for Print
- prettydocCreating Pretty Documents from R Markdown
- printrAutomatically Print R Objects to Appropriate Formats According to the 'knitr' Output Format
- rcoThe R Code Optimizer
- reactableInteractive Data Tables for R
- rhandsontableInterface to the 'Handsontable.js' Library
- rmarkdownDynamic Documents for R
- rolldownR Markdown Output Formats for Storytelling
- rticlesArticle Formats for R Markdown
- servrA Simple HTTP Server to Serve Static Files or Dynamic Documents
- testitA Simple Package for Testing R Packages
- threejsInteractive 3D Scatter Plots, Networks and Globes
- tikzDeviceR Graphics Output in LaTeX Format
- tinytexHelper Functions to Install and Maintain TeX Live, and Compile LaTeX Documents
- tufteTufte's Styles for R Markdown Documents
- vitaeCurriculum Vitae for R Markdown
- webshotTake Screenshots of Web Pages
- widgetframe'Htmlwidgets' in Responsive 'iframes'
- workflowrA Framework for Reproducible and Collaborative Data Science
- xaringanPresentation Ninja
- xfunSupporting Functions for Packages Maintained by 'Yihui Xie'
- yamlMethods to Convert R Data to YAML and Back
- shinyWeb Application Framework for R
- paramsSimplify Parameters
- Henrik Bengtsson
- A. Jonathan R. Godfrey
- Paul Murrell
- Duncan Murdoch
- Greg Snow
- Debra Warren
- Donal Fitzpatrick
- James Curtis
- James Thompson
- JooYoung Seo
- Marshall Flax
- Sophie Banks
- Timothy Bilton
- Tony Hirst
- Tsan-Kuang Lee
- Volker Sorge
- Stéphane Laurent
- Joe Cheng
- Greg Freedman Ellis
- Xianying Tan
- Mikko Marttila
- JJ Allaire
- Alex Pickering
- Andres Quintero
- Maximilian Girlich
- Johannes Rauh
- SpryMedia Limited
- Brian Reavis
- Leon Gersen
- Bartek Szopka
- William Holmes
- Posit Software, PBC
- Peng Zhao
- Lijia Yu
- Xiangyun Huang
- Hadley Wickham
- Weicheng Zhu
- Christian Mueller
- Kevin Ushey
- Ian Lyttle
- Brandon Greenwell
- James Balamuta
- Garrick Aden-Buie
- Hiroaki Yutani
- Christophe Dervieux
- Jozef Hajnala
- Eric Nantz
- Maëlle Salmon
- Alison Presmanes Hill
- Amber Thomas
- Beilei Bian
- Brian Barkley
- Deependra Dhakal
- Forest Fang
- Jake Barlow
- Jon Calder
- Juan Manuel Vazquez
- Leonardo Collado-Torres
- Maria Paula Caldas
- Nicolas Roelandt
- Oliver Madsen
- Raniere Silva
- TC Zhang
- Pedro Rafael D. Marinho
- Bastiaan Quast
- Yixuan Qiu
- Dean Attali
- Michal Bojanowski
- Ben Marwick
- Sahir Bhatnagar
- Jennifer Bryan
- Atsushi Yasumoto
- Matthew Lincoln
- Michael Sachs
- Thierry Onkelinx
- Frans van Dunne
- Kim Seonghyun
- Luciano Selzer
- Nathan Werth
- Chester Ismay
- Alessandro Samuel-Rosa
- Jeff Allen
- Albert Kim
- Andrzej Oles
- Aust Frederik
- Clifton Franklund
- Daniel Emaasit
- David Shuman
- Drew Tyre
- Ellis Valentiner
- Jonathan McPhers
- Joyce Robbins
- Junwen Huang
- Kevin Cheung
- Kirill Muller
- Maximilian Held
- Noam Ross
- Peter Hickey
- Romain Lesur
- Shir Dekel
- Steve Simpson
- Vincent Fulco
- Zhuoer Dong
- Zeno Rocha
- MathQuill contributors
- FriendCode Inc
- Taiyun Wei
- Jun Cai
- Viliam Simko
- Michael Levy
- Yan Jin
- Jeff Zemla
- Moritz Freidank
- Tomas Protivinsky
- Maxime Wack
- Adrien Boukobza
- Gábor Csárdi
- Nick Williams
- Google LLC
- Rich Iannone
- Denis Demchenko
- The Polymer Authors
- Michel Lang
- Barret Schloerke
- Jeroen Ooms
- Karolis Koncevičius
- Michael Lawrence
- Thomas Kluyver
- Adam Ryczkowski
- Eugene Ha
- Pavel Krivitsky
- Ed Lee
- Kohske Takahashi
- Christopher Gandrud
- Qiang Li
- Carson Sievert
- Winston Chang
- Ellis Hughes
- Kenton Russell
- Ramnath Vaidyanathan
- Thomas J. Leeper
- Aaron Statham
- Kornelius Rohmeyer
- Boris Hejblum
- Adrian Hordyk
- Michael Friendly
- Tyler Hunt
- Berry Boessenkool
- Dieter Menne
- Tal Galili
- Russ Hyde
- Barry Rowlingson
- G. Grothendieck
- Gerhard Burger
- Arthur Gailes
- Thomas Leeper
- Jonathan Godfrey
- Chan-Yub Park
- Dason
- Felix Schonbrodt
- Heuristic Andrew
- James
- VitoshKa
- Takekatsu Hiramura
- Tom Allard
- ChingChuan Chen
- Jonathan Hill
- Gerhard Nachtmann
- Lyndon D'Arcy
- Will Beasley
- Vincent Arel-Bundock
- Hao Zhu
- Brian Salzer
- Bill Evans
- Yoni Sidi
- Thomas Travison
- Timothy Tsai
- GuangChuang Yu
- Rob Shepherd
- George Gui
- Yeliang Fan
- Sagiru Mati
- Wush Wu
- Frank E Harrell Jr
- Romain Francois
- Karl Forner
- Doug Hemken
- Heewon Jeon
- John Muschelli
- Zhian N. Kamvar
- David Hugh-Jones
- Jonathan Keane
- David Hall
- Aaron Wolen
- Scott Kostyshak
- Joseph Larmarange
- Jonathan Sidi
- Johannes Ranke
- Kaiyin Zhong
- Marius Hofert
- Jim Hester
- Pavel N. Krivitsky
- Julien Barnier
- Pedro Faria
- Michael Chirico
- David Robinson
- Elio Campitelli
- Kamil Slowikowski
- Alex Zvoleff
- Sebastian Meyer
- Jacob Bien
- Bulat Yapparov
- Abhraneel Sarma
- Aron Atkins
- Lorenz Walthert
- Emily Riederer
- Richard Cotton
- Jared Lander
- Zachary Foster
- Kirill Mueller
- Javier Luraschi
- Ben Baumer
- Martin Modrák
- Jenny Bryan
- Robert Krzyzanowski
- Tim Mastny
- Brian Diggs
- Niels Richard Hansen
- Andre Simon
- Adam Vogt
- Alastair Andrew
- Amar Al-Zubaidi
- Ashley Manton
- Brian Zhang
- Cassio Pereira
- Fabian Hirschmann
- Fitch Simeon
- Gregoire Detrez
- Hodges Daniel
- Jake Burkhead
- James Manton
- Jason Punyon
- Jeff Arnold
- Jeremy Ashkenas
- Jeremy Stephens
- John Honaker
- Johan Toloe
- Kevin K. Smith
- Lucas Gallindo
- Michel Kuhlmann
- Miller Patrick
- Nacho Caballero
- Nick Salkowski
- Obada Mahdi
- Rodrigo Copetti
- Ruaridh Williamson
- Sietse Brouwer
- Simon de Bernard
- Sylvain Rousseau
- Thibaut Assus
- Thibaut Lamadon
- Tom Torsney-Weir
- Trevor Davis
- Viktoras Veitas
- Bhaskar Karambelkar
- Michael Bostock
- Vladimir Agafonkin
- Mapbox
- Kent Johnson
- Daniel Montague
- CloudMade
- Leaflet contributors
- Brandon Copeland
- Joerg Dietrich
- Benjamin Becquet
- Norkart AS
- L. Voogdt
- Kartena AB
- Robert Kajic
- Jeffrey Horner
- Adam November
- Brent Thorne
- Adam Hyde
- Min-Zhong Lu
- Zulko
- Steve Matteson
- Jason Long
- Renyuan Zou
- Michael Rose
- Emily Eisenberg
- Sophie Alpert
- Juan Cruz Rodriguez
- Nicolás Wolovick
- Kent Russell
- Greg Lin
- Tanner Linsley
- Emotion team and other contributors
- Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates
- FormatJS
- Feross Aboukhadijeh, and other contributors
- Roman Shtylman
- James Halliday
- Jonathan Owen
- Enzo Martoglio
- jQuery Foundation
- Inberg Ger
- Warpechowski Marcin
- Handsoncode sp. z o.o.
- Aisch Gregor
- Företagsplatsen
- Draper Adam
- Wood Tim
- Chernev Iskren
- Moment.js contributors
- Bushell David
- Splunk Inc
- Russell Kent
- Rohan Jon
- Greene James
- Hammill Dillon
- Richard Iannone
- Rob Hyndman
- Ruben Arslan
- Malcolm Barrett
- Frederik Aust
- Sergio Oller
- Mark Otto
- Bootstrap contributors
- Twitter, Inc
- John MacFarlane
- Ivan Sagalaev
- Jacob Thornton
- Roy Storey
- Dave Gandy
- jQuery UI contributors
- Google, Inc.
- Jonathan McPherson
- Andrew Dunning
- Devon Ryan
- Alexander Farkas
- Scott Jehl
- Greg Franko
- Dave Raggett
- W3C
- Ben Sperry
- Drifty
- Aidan Lister
- Benct Philip Jonsson
- Albert Krewinkel
- Siqi Zhang
- Russell Goldenberg
- David M. Kaplan
- Carl Boettiger
- Robrecht Cannoodt
- Alessandro Gasparini
- Alex Hayes
- Sebastian Kreutzer
- Randall Pruim
- Tom Palmer
- Shixiang Wang
- Matthias Templ
- Karl Broman
- Oliver Keyes
- Alfredo Hernández
- Greg Macfarlane
- Oğuzhan Öğreden
- Alvaro Uzaheta
- Dominik Leutnant
- Charlotte Wickham
- Marc-Andre Desautels
- Dmytro Perepolkin
- Stefano Coretta
- R Foundation
- Miao Yu
- Association for Computing Machinery
- Jay Hesselberth
- Journal of Statistical Software
- Elsevier
- Taylor and Francis
- Dalton Hance
- Daniel Nüst
- Petter Uvesten
- Duncan Luguern
- Callum Arnold
- Jesse Anderson
- Steven Mortimer
- B. W. Lewis
- Alexey Stukalov
- Three.js authors
- Andreas Briese
- B. Thieurmel
- Kirill Müller
- Ralf Stubner
- Cameron Bracken
- Charlie Sharpsteen
- Nico Bellack
- Ethan Heinzen
- Fernando Cagua
- Dave Liepmann
- Mitchell O'Hara-Wild
- Isabelle Greco
- Francois Guillem
- Nicolas Perriault
- NPR Visual Team
- Bjørn Klinggaard
- Peter Carbonetto
- John Blischak
- Jiaxiang Li
- Michael J. Kane
- Luke Zappia
- Matthew Stephens
- Giorgio Comai
- Pierre Formont
- Anh Tran
- Tim Trice
- Sydney Purdue
- Zaynaib Giwa
- Xiongbing Jin
- Waldir Leoncio
- Claus Thorn Ekstrøm
- Iñaki Ucar
- Patrick Schratz
- Emi Tanaka
- Daniel Anderson
- Michael Wayne Kearney
- Yongfu Liao
- Robert Fromont
- Lucy D'Agostino McGowan
- Nan-Hung Hsieh
- Yue Jiang
- Paul Klemm
- Dawei Lang
- Susan VanderPlas
- Sean Lopp
- Matthew Mark Strasiotto
- Benjie Gillam
- Deo Salil
- John Little
- Joselyn Chávez
- Joseph Casillas
- Ole Petter Bang
- Orlando Olaya Bucaro
- Paul Lemmens
- Silvia Canelon
- Tuo Wang
- Daijiang Li
- Salim Brüggemann
- Gregory R. Warnes
- Charlie Gao
- Michael Quinn
- Shawn P Garbett
- Kirill Simonov
- reikoch
- Brendan O'Connor
- jQuery contributors
- Dennis Lembree
- R Core Team
- Denis Ineshin
- Sami Samhuri
- John Fraser
- Barbara Borges
- Andrew Rowls
- Salmen Bejaoui
- Cathy O'Connor
- John Gruber
- Srinivasu Chakravarthula
- Prem Nawaz Khan
- Alan Dipert
- Stefan Petre
- PayPal, Inc
- Victor Tsaran
- Sahil Seth