The R Core Team
Author of 8 CRAN packages
With 8 packages completed, The R Core Team is proving to be quite the prolific developer. Keep it up! The R Core Team teamed up with 146 other developers, making this project a gigantic collaborative effort. The coding world is a better place for it!
8 Packages
- BFpackFlexible Bayes Factor Testing of Scientific Expectations
- BoutrosLab.plotting.generalFunctions to Create Publication-Quality Plots
- GMMATGeneralized Linear Mixed Model Association Tests
- dendextendExtending 'dendrogram' Functionality in R
- rgl3D Visualization Using OpenGL
- rstanR Interface to Stan
- speakeasyRFast and Robust Multi-Scale Graph Clustering
- statipStatistical Functions for Probability Distributions and Regression
- Janosch Menke
- Alan Miller
- John Burkandt
- James Lovato
- Jean-Paul Fox
- Gilbert Stewart
- Barry Brown
- Kathy Russell
- Alexander Godunov
- Jean-Pierre Moreau
- Caspar van Lissa
- Donald R. Williams
- Cleve Moler
- Florian Boeing-Messing
- Xin Gu
- Anton Olsson-Collentine
- Robbie van Aert
- Jack Dongarra
- Ashwith Rego
- Lapack 3.8
- Joris Mulder
- Jim Bunch
- Paul Boutros
- Christine P'ng
- Jeff Green
- Stephenie Prokopec
- Ontario Institute for Cancer Research
- The R Foundation
- Robert Gentleman
- Ross Ihaka
- Caden Bugh
- Dan Knight
- Stefan Eng
- Mohammed Faizal Eeman Mootor
- Rachel Dang
- John Sahrmann
- Han Chen
- Matthew Conomos
- Duy Pham
- Arthor Gilly
- Eric Biggers
- Tino Reichardt
- Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates
- Uwe Ligges
- Zuguang Gu
- Kurt Hornik
- Gregory Jefferis
- Peter Langfelder
- Andrie de Vries
- Tal Galili
- Christian Hennig
- Andrej-Nikolai Spiess
- Steve Horvath
- Chase Clark
- Gavin Simpson
- Yoav Benjamini
- Marco Gallotta
- Johan Renaudie
- skullkey
- Mark Van Der Loo
- Cath
- John Ma
- Krzysiek G
- Manuela Hummel
- Lucas Graybuck
- jdetribol
- Ben Ho
- Samuel Perreault
- David Bradley
- Houyun Huang
- Patrick Schupp
- Alec Buetow
- Ivan Krylov
- Gabor Csardi
- Alexander Senger
- Xavier Fernandez i Marin
- Ming Chen
- Michael Sumner
- Joshua Ulrich
- Yohann Demont
- Jonathon Love
- George Helffrich
- Simon Urbanek
- Jeroen Ooms
- Mike Stein
- The authors of knitr
- Adam Strzelecki
- Daniel Adler
- Albrecht Gebhardt
- Duncan Murdoch
- Ben Bolker
- Mapbox team
- Oleg Nenadic
- The authors of Shiny
- Dirk Eddelbuettel
- Hamada S. Badr
- Sebastian Weber
- Ben Goodrich
- Jonah Gabry
- Jiqiang Guo
- Trustees of Columbia University
- Andrew Johnson
- Daniel Lee
- Oleg Sklyar
- Krzysztof Sakrejda
- Modrak Martin
- Jens Oehlschlaegel-Akiyoshi
- John Maddock
- Paul Bristow
- Nikhar Agrawal
- Christopher Kormanyos
- Bronder Steve
- Gábor Csárdi
- David Connell
- Melissa O'Neill
- Minh Nguyen
- The R Development Core Team
- The Regents of the University of California
- Royal Statistical Society
- Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- Fabio Zanini
- Steven Johnson
- Tamás Nepusz
- Vincent Traag
- Szabolcs Horvát
- Daniel Noom
- Timothy Davis
- Chris Gaiteri
- The igraph development team
- Richard Lehoucq
- Danny Scrensen
- Phuong Vu
- Chao Yang
- Allan Cornet
- Sylvestre Ledru
- Rice University
- Scilab Enterprises
- Daniel G.
- Marc Stevens
- Elliot Paquette
- Pascal Pons
- Jordi Hermoso
- Sébastien Fabbro
- Shinya Tasaki
- Paul Poncet
- Adrian Baddeley