R Core Team
Author of 53 CRAN packages
R Core Team has worked on 53 packages, which is nothing short of amazing. Who needs sleep when you've got code to write? R Core Team worked with over 303 collaborators. That's a huge group of developers—almost like a coding festival!
53 Packages
- CholWishartCholesky Decomposition of the Wishart Distribution
- GLDEXFitting Single and Mixture of Generalised Lambda Distributions
- GLDregFit GLD Regression/Quantile/AFT Model to Data
- RobAStBaseRobust Asymptotic Statistics
- RweaveExtraSweave Drivers with Extra Tricks Up their Sleeve
- actuarActuarial Functions and Heavy Tailed Distributions
- arima2Likelihood Based Inference for ARIMA Modeling
- backportsReimplementations of Functions Introduced Since R-3.0.0
- caretClassification and Regression Training
- complexlmLinear Fitting for Complex Valued Data
- condvisConditional Visualization for Statistical Models
- dateFunctions for Handling Dates
- dbartsDiscrete Bayesian Additive Regression Trees Sampler
- demographyForecasting Mortality, Fertility, Migration and Population Data
- distrObject Oriented Implementation of Distributions
- distrModObject Oriented Implementation of Probability Models
- effectsEffect Displays for Linear, Generalized Linear, and Other Models
- expintExponential Integral and Incomplete Gamma Function
- fansiANSI Control Sequence Aware String Functions
- forecastForecasting Functions for Time Series and Linear Models
- foreignRead Data Stored by 'Minitab', 'S', 'SAS', 'SPSS', 'Stata', 'Systat', 'Weka', 'dBase', ...
- future.applyApply Function to Elements in Parallel using Futures
- gbRdUtilities for Processing Rd Objects and Files
- gdtoolsUtilities for Graphical Rendering and Fonts Management
- hesimHealth Economic Simulation Modeling and Decision Analysis
- hipreadRead Hierarchical Fixed Width Files
- inlinedocsConvert Inline Comments to Documentation
- ivregInstrumental-Variables Regression by '2SLS', '2SM', or '2SMM', with Diagnostics
- mrregressionRegression Analysis for Very Large Data Sets via Merge and Reduce
- nls2Non-Linear Regression with Brute Force
- pbapplyAdding Progress Bar to '*apply' Functions
- permuteFunctions for Generating Restricted Permutations of Data
- phiaPost-Hoc Interaction Analysis
- poibinThe Poisson Binomial Distribution
- qtlTools for Analyzing QTL Experiments
- qtl2Quantitative Trait Locus Mapping in Experimental Crosses
- rbibutilsRead 'Bibtex' Files and Convert Between Bibliography Formats
- readstata13Import 'Stata' Data Files
- rigrRegression, Inference, and General Data Analysis Tools in R
- riskscoresOptimized Integer Risk Score Models
- rspm'RStudio' Package Manager
- shinyWeb Application Framework for R
- shipunovMiscellaneous Functions from Alexey Shipunov
- simtsTime Series Analysis Tools
- stringdistApproximate String Matching, Fuzzy Text Search, and String Distance Functions
- surveillanceTemporal and Spatio-Temporal Modeling and Monitoring of Epidemic Phenomena
- unitizerInteractive R Unit Tests
- vetrTrust, but Verify
- wiqidQuick and Dirty Estimates for Wildlife Populations
- MatrixSparse and Dense Matrix Classes and Methods
- nlmeLinear and Nonlinear Mixed Effects Models
- chronChronological Objects which Can Handle Dates and Times
- ympesCollection of Helper Functions
- Geoffrey Thompson
- Martin Maechler
- Steve Su
- Juha Karvanen
- Robert King
- Benjamin Dean
- Matthias Kohl
- Peter Ruckdeschel
- Mykhailo Pupashenko
- Gerald Kroisandt
- Vincent Goulet
- Robert Gentleman
- Xavier Milhaud
- Walter Garcia-Fontes
- Christophe Dutang
- Tommy Ouellet
- Mathieu Pigeon
- Jeffrey A. Ryan
- Sébastien Auclair
- R Foundation
- Louis-Philippe Pouliot
- Nicholas Langevin
- Ross Ihaka
- Alexandre Parent
- Brian Ripley
- Jesse Wheeler
- Edward Ionides
- Noel McAllister
- Dhajanae Sylvertooth
- Michel Lang
- Duncan Murdoch
- Jed Wing
- Steve Weston
- Allan Engelhardt
- Chris Keefer
- Michael Benesty
- Andrew Ziem
- Max Kuhn
- Can Candan
- Zachary Mayer
- Tyler Hunt
- Tony Cooper
- Luca Scrucca
- Yuan Tang
- Andre Williams
- Reynald Lescarbeau
- Brenton Kenkel
- John Maindonald
- Bill Venables
- William Ryan
- Bruce White
- Achim Zeileis
- Catherine Hurley
- Mark O'Connell
- Katarina Domijan
- Kjetil Halvorsen
- Thomas Lumley
- Kurt Hornik
- Terry Therneau
- Robert McCulloch
- Hugh Chipman
- Vincent Dorie
- Steven G. Johnson
- Armon Dadgar
- Guido U Draheim
- Maarten Bosmans
- Christophe Tournayre
- Michael Petch
- Rafael de Lucena Valle
- Matteo Frigo
- John Zaitseff
- Todd Veldhuizen
- Luc Maisonobe
- Scott Pakin
- Daniel Richard G.
- Rob Hyndman
- Simon Wood
- Heather Booth
- Leonie Tickle
- Florian Camphausen
- Thomas Stabla
- Michael Friendly
- John Fox
- Sanford Weisberg
- David Firth
- Brad Price
- Jangman Hong
- Robert Andersen
- Steve Taylor
- Brian Gough
- Gerard Jungman
- Brodie Gaslam
- Elliott Sales De Andrade
- David Shaub
- Daniele Girolimetto
- Christoph Bergmeir
- Mitchell O'Hara-Wild
- Earo Wang
- Federico Garza
- Leanne Chhay
- Fotios Petropoulos
- Gabriel Caceres
- George Athanasopoulos
- Kirill Kuroptev
- Slava Razbash
- Farah Yasmeen
- Daniel Reid
- Xiaoqian Wang
- Zhenyu Zhou
- Roger Bivand
- Michael Nelson
- Rajarshi Guha
- Saikat DebRoy
- Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- Nicholas Lewin-Koh
- Mark Myatt
- Frank Warmerdam
- Vincent J. Carey
- Stephen Eglen
- Swetlana Herbrandt
- Ben Pfaff
- Brian Quistorff
- Stephen Weigand
- Henrik Bengtsson
- Georgi N. Boshnakov
- Jeroen Ooms
- Yixuan Qiu
- Hadley Wickham
- Lionel Henry
- David Gohel
- RStudio
- ArData
- Mark Clements
- Devin Incerti
- Jeroen P. Jansen
- Romain Francois
- Mark Padgham
- Jim Hester
- Greg Freedman Ellis
- Derek Burk
- Joe Grover
- Jukka Jylänki
- Mikkel Jørgensen
- University of Minnesota
- Toby Dylan Hocking
- Thomas Wutzler
- Philippe Grosjean
- Markus Müller
- Keith Ponting
- Nikolas Kuschnig
- Christian Kleiber
- Leo N. Geppert
- Esther Denecke
- Steffen Maletz
- G. Grothendieck
- Zygmunt Zawadzki
- Peter Solymos
- Gavin L. Simpson
- Jari Oksanen
- Douglas M. Bates
- Helios De Rosario-Martinez
- Chalmers Phil
- Yili Hong
- Lars Ronnegard
- Robert Corty
- Aaron Wolen
- Karl W Broman
- Danny Arends
- Saunak Sen
- Timothee Flutre
- Pjotr Prins
- Hao Wu
- Gary Churchill
- Ritsert Jansen
- Rohan Shah
- Laura Shannon
- Quoc Tran
- Brian Yandell
- Chris Putman
- Richard Mathar
- Johannes Wilm
- Sebastian Jeworutzki
- Magnus Thor Torfason
- Jan Marvin Garbuszus
- Luke M. Olson
- Giovanni Righi
- Kevin Jin
- Amy D Willis
- Akhil S Bhel
- Taylor Okonek
- Charles J Wolock
- Brian D Williamson
- Scott S Emerson
- Andrew J Spieker
- Yiqun T Chen
- Travis Y Hee Wai
- James P Hughes
- Alice Paul
- Hannah Eglinton
- Oscar Yan
- Simon Davies
- Iñaki Ucar
- Joe Cheng
- Carson Sievert
- Winston Chang
- Jeff Allen
- jQuery Foundation
- jQuery contributors
- Jacob Thornton
- Bootstrap contributors
- jQuery UI contributors
- Dennis Lembree
- Denis Ineshin
- Sami Samhuri
- John Fraser
- Barbara Borges
- Brian Reavis
- Andrew Rowls
- Posit Software, PBC
- Salmen Bejaoui
- Twitter, Inc
- Yihui Xie
- SpryMedia Limited
- JJ Allaire
- Cathy O'Connor
- John Gruber
- Srinivasu Chakravarthula
- Prem Nawaz Khan
- Ivan Sagalaev
- Alan Dipert
- Jonathan McPherson
- Stefan Petre
- Mark Otto
- Barret Schloerke
- PayPal, Inc
- Victor Tsaran
- Sebastian Gibb
- Weiliang Qiu
- Roger Koenker
- Paul Murrell
- Marcello D'Orazio
- Stephen Turner
- Emmanuel Paradis
- Alexey Shipunov
- Roland Rau
- Eugeny Altshuler
- Marcus W Beck
- Stéphane Guerrier
- James Balamuta
- Lionel Voirol
- Roberto Molinari
- Justin Lee
- Yuming Zhang
- Nathanael Claussen
- Wenchao Yang
- Yunxiang Zhang
- Christian Gunning
- Jan van der Laan
- Mark van der Loo
- Johannes Gruber
- Chris Muir
- Nick Logan
- Juliane Manitz
- Dirk Schumacher
- Daniel Sabanes Bove
- Sebastian Meyer
- Michael Hoehle
- Andrea Riebler
- Leonhard Held
- Mathias Hofmann
- Michaela Paul
- Valentin Wimmer
- Howard Burkom
- Thais Correa
- Christian Lang
- Sophie Reichert
- Maelle Salmon
- Stefan Steiner
- Mikko Virtanen
- Wei Wei
- Paxdiablo
- Ngumbang Juat
- Jason Bryer
- Mike Meredith
- Michael Schaub
- John Kruschke
- Brian Neelon
- Mikael Jagan
- Jason Riedy
- Timothy A. Davis
- George Karypis
- Jens Oehlschlägel
- Douglas Bates
- Bert Van Willigen
- Siem Heisterkamp
- Deepayan Sarkar
- José Pinheiro
- EISPACK authors
- Johannes Ranke
- Gabor Grothendieck
- David James
- Tim Taylor
- Toby Hocking