Gustavo de los Campos
Author of 9 CRAN packages
With 9 packages completed, Gustavo de los Campos is proving to be quite the prolific developer. Keep it up! Gustavo de los Campos worked with 7 other authors. That's a lot of creative energy! No wonder the results were fantastic.
9 Packages
- BEDMatrixExtract Genotypes from a PLINK .bed File
- BGDataA Suite of Packages for Analysis of Big Genomic Data
- BGLRBayesian Generalized Linear Regression
- BLRBayesian Linear Regression
- LinkedMatrixColumn-Linked and Row-Linked Matrices
- SFSISparse Family and Selection Index
- pleiotestFast Sequential Pleiotropy Test
- symDMatrixPartitioned Symmetric Matrices
- tensorEVDA Fast Algorithm to Factorize High-Dimensional Tensor Product Matrices