Max Kuhn
Author of 52 CRAN packages
Max Kuhn has been on fire, working on 52 packages to date. Honestly, does Max Kuhn even sleep? This is some serious dedication! Max Kuhn teamed up with 298 other developers, making this project a gigantic collaborative effort. The coding world is a better place for it!
52 Packages
- AmesHousingThe Ames Iowa Housing Data
- AppliedPredictiveModelingFunctions and Data Sets for 'Applied Predictive Modeling'
- C50C5.0 Decision Trees and Rule-Based Models
- CubistRule- And Instance-Based Regression Modeling
- DescToolsTools for Descriptive Statistics
- KingCountyHousesData on House Sales in King County WA
- ModToolsBuilding Regression and Classification Models
- QSARdataQuantitative Structure Activity Relationship (QSAR) Data Sets
- agua'tidymodels' Integration with 'h2o'
- applicableA Compilation of Applicability Domain Methods
- baguetteEfficient Model Functions for Bagging
- beansData on Dried Beans
- bonsaiModel Wrappers for Tree-Based Models
- broomConvert Statistical Objects into Tidy Tibbles
- bruleeHigh-Level Modeling Functions with 'torch'
- bundleSerialize Model Objects with a Consistent Interface
- butcherModel Butcher
- caretClassification and Regression Training
- contrastA Collection of Contrast Methods
- corrrCorrelations in R
- desirabilityFunction Optimization and Ranking via Desirability Functions
- desirability2Desirability Functions for Multiparameter Optimization
- dialsTools for Creating Tuning Parameter Values
- discrimModel Wrappers for Discriminant Analysis
- embedExtra Recipes for Encoding Predictors
- finetuneAdditional Functions for Model Tuning
- genericsCommon S3 Generics not Provided by Base R Methods Related to Model Fitting
- hardhatConstruct Modeling Packages
- modeldataData Sets Useful for Modeling Examples
- modeldbFits Models Inside the Database
- multilevelmodModel Wrappers for Multi-Level Models
- parsnipA Common API to Modeling and Analysis Functions
- plsmodModel Wrappers for Projection Methods
- poissonregModel Wrappers for Poisson Regression
- probablyTools for Post-Processing Predicted Values
- recipesPreprocessing and Feature Engineering Steps for Modeling
- rngtoolsUtility Functions for Working with Random Number Generators
- rsampleGeneral Resampling Infrastructure
- rulesModel Wrappers for Rule-Based Models
- sfdSpace-Filling Design Library
- shinymodelsInteractive Assessments of Models
- sparseLDASparse Discriminant Analysis
- sparsediscrimSparse and Regularized Discriminant Analysis
- spectaclesStoring, Manipulating and Analysis Spectroscopy and Associated Data
- stacksTidy Model Stacking
- tidymodelsEasily Install and Load the 'Tidymodels' Packages
- tidyposteriorBayesian Analysis to Compare Models using Resampling Statistics
- tidypredictRun Predictions Inside the Database
- tuneTidy Tuning Tools
- usemodelsBoilerplate Code for 'Tidymodels' Analyses
- workflowsetsCreate a Collection of 'tidymodels' Workflows
- yardstickTidy Characterizations of Model Performance
- Dmytro Perepolkin
- RStudio
- Kjell Johnson
- Mark Culp
- Steve Weston
- Nathan Coulter
- Ross Quinlan
- RuleQuest Research
- Rulequest Research Pty Ltd.
- Chris Keefer
- Frank E. Harrell Jr
- Andreas Alfons
- Stephane Champely
- Daniel Chessel
- Christian W. Hoffmann
- Arni Magnusson
- Jim Lemon
- Hans W. Borchers
- Torsten Hothorn
- Tal Galili
- Matthias Templ
- John Marsaglia
- Leanne Chhay
- Martin Maechler
- Christopher Jackson
- Bill Venables
- Claus Ekstrom
- Romain Francois
- Terry Therneau
- Charles Dupont
- Yulia R. Gel
- Yongyi Min
- Michael Hoehle
- Weiwen Miao
- Chandima Arachchige
- John Fox
- Venkatraman E. Seshan
- Hadley Wickham
- Wallace W. Hui
- Brian D. Ripley
- Franziska Mueller
- Nanina Anderegg
- Soeren Hojsgaard
- Klaus Nordhausen
- Matthias Kohl
- Detlew Labes
- Thomas Yee
- Tyler Rinker
- Juergen Gross
- Harold C. Doran
- Andri Signorell
- Dong Li
- Sandrine Pavoine
- Kevin Ushey
- Mikko Korpela
- Nicholas Cooper
- William Revelle
- Gabor Grothendieck
- Markus Naepflin
- Antti Arppe
- Martin Elff
- Achim Zeileis
- John Verzani
- Ben Mainwaring
- Ralf Stubner
- Vilmantas Gegzna
- Frederico Caeiro
- Derek Ogle
- Sereina Graber
- Giovanni Millo
- Greg Snow
- Karline Soetaert
- David Mitchell
- Michael Dewey
- Richard Heiberger
- Alina Matei
- Pete Hurd
- Stefan Wellek
- Danielle Navarro
- Joshua Ulrich
- Werner A. Stahel
- Clint Cummins
- Tony Plate
- Tomas Aragon
- Duncan Temple Lang
- Nick Parsons
- Markus Huerzeler
- Dirk Eddelbuettel
- Alec Stephenson
- Joseph Wood
- Gregory R. Warnes
- Matthias Gamer
- Rob J. Hyndman
- Stephane Dray
- Henric Nilsson
- Luis Torgo
- George Marsaglia
- David Meyer
- Mark Stevenson
- Daniel Wollschlaeger
- Daniel Malter
- Peter Wolf
- Nathan Russell
- Adrian Trapletti
- Michael Smithson
- Jeremy VanDerWal
- Rand R. Wilcox
- Caroline Rodriguez
- Yves Tille
- Ying Wu
- Ben Bolker
- Luke Prendergast
- Jeff Enos
- Roland Rapold
- Friederich Leisch
- Ken Aho
- Joseph L. Gastwirth
- Cyril Flurin Moser
- Adrian Baddeley
- Pablo J. Villacorta Iglesias
- Ralph Scherer
- Nick Sabbe
- Michael Friendly
- Hong Ooi
- Richard W. Farebrother
- Kamil Barton
- Michal Majka
- Bernhard Compton
- Marcel Dettling
- Alexandre Hainard
- Frédérique Lisacek
- Markus Müller
- Dan Putler
- Jean-Charles Sanchez
- Natalia Tiberti
- Natacha Turck
- Jarek Tuszynski
- Robin Xavier
- Steven Pawley
- Qiushi Yan
- Posit Software, PBC
- Marly Gotti
- Simon Couch
- Roel M. Hogervorst
- Daniel Falbel
- Athos Damiani
- Henrik Bengtsson
- Matthew Kay
- Jasper Cooper
- Alessandro Gasparini
- Alex Hayes
- Luke Johnston
- Bill Denney
- Tyler Littlefield
- Vincent Arel-Bundock
- Michal Bojanowski
- David Hugh-Jones
- Jonah Gabry
- Wilson Freitas
- Dieter Menne
- Joseph Larmarange
- Nick Williams
- Daniel D. Sjoberg
- Karissa Whiting
- Greg Macfarlane
- Roger Bivand
- Matthew Lincoln
- Taren Sanders
- Nic Crane
- Brenton M. Wiernik
- Alex Reinhart
- Jim Hester
- Nicholas Williams
- Shiro Kuriwaki
- Derek Chiu
- James Martherus
- Lukasz Komsta
- Jorge Cimentada
- Grant McDermott
- David Robinson
- Jason Cory Brunson
- Malcolm Barrett
- Indrajeet Patil
- Erwan Le Pennec
- Kevin Zarca
- Aaron Jacobs
- Ben Schneider
- Brian Fannin
- Hao Zhu
- Benjamin Nutter
- Yves Rosseel
- Annie Wang
- Luciano Selzer
- Andreas Bender
- Frederik Aust
- Matthieu Stigler
- Matt Lehman
- Ilaria Prosdocimi
- Lukas Wallrich
- Josh Yamamoto
- Matthieu Gomez
- Marius Barth
- Bruna Wundervald
- Lily Medina
- Francois Briatte
- Jeffrey Arnold
- Andrew Bates
- Karl Dunkle Werner
- Drew Tyre
- Boris Demeshev
- Gavin Simpson
- Jens Preussner
- Jay Hesselberth
- Frederick Novometsky
- Michelle Evans
- Simon Jackson
- Ben Whalley
- Michael Kuehn
- Erle Holgersen
- Ethan Christensen
- Steven Pav
- Paul PJ
- Patrick Kennedy
- Jason Muhlenkamp
- Hideaki Hayashi
- Luis Tobalina
- Wei Yang Tham
- Clara Wang
- Abby Smith
- E Auden Krauska
- Alex Wang
- Charles Gray
- Jared Wilber
- Eduard Szoecs
- Angus Moore
- Joyce Cahoon
- Chuliang Xiao
- Hakon Malmedal
- Sergio Oller
- Luke Sonnet
- Bernie Gray
- Mara Averick
- Sven Templer
- Paul-Christian Buerkner
- Johan Junkka
- Benjamin Soltoff
- Zoe Wilkinson Saldana
- Charles T. Gray
- Shabbh E. Banks
- Serina Robinson
- Riinu Ots
- Nina Jakobsen
- Michael Weylandt
- Lisa Lendway
- Karl Hailperin
- Josue Rodriguez
- Jenny Bryan
- Chris Jarvis
- Brian Mannakee
- Shreyas Singh
- Laurens Geffert
- Eduard Szocs
- Hugo Tavares
- R. Willem Vervoort
- Jasme Lee
- Julia Silge
- Davis Vaughan
- Posit, PBC
- Jed Wing
- Allan Engelhardt
- Michael Benesty
- Andrew Ziem
- R Core Team
- Can Candan
- Zachary Mayer
- Tyler Hunt
- Tony Cooper
- Luca Scrucca
- Yuan Tang
- Andre Williams
- Reynald Lescarbeau
- Brenton Kenkel
- Thorn Thaler
- Alan O'Callaghan
- James Forester
- Hannah Frick
- Emil Hvitfeldt
- Edgar Ruiz
- Renaud Gaujoux
- Michael Mahoney
- Fanny Chow
- Shisham Adhikari
- Line Clemmensen
- John Ramey
- Kristian Hovde Liland
- Pierre Roudier
- Bjorn-Helge Mevik
- Raphael Viscarra Rossel