Hao Chen
Author of 10 CRAN packages
Hao Chen has worked on 10 packages so far. That's a lot of coding! Clearly, Hao Chen is on a mission. With 5 collaborators, Hao Chen and Dylan Small, Nancy R. Zhang, Hoseung Song, Lynna Chu and Jingru Zhang brought the energy of a six-person team to the project. It was an adventure!
10 Packages
- BalanceCheckBalance Check for Multiple Covariates in Matched Observational Studies
- falconFinding Allele-Specific Copy Number in Next-Generation Sequencing Data
- falconxFinding Allele-Specific Copy Number in Whole-Exome Sequencing Data
- gCatGraph-Based Two-Sample Tests for Categorical Data
- gSegGraph-Based Change-Point Detection (g-Segmentation)
- gStreamGraph-Based Sequential Change-Point Detection for Streaming Data
- gTestsGraph-Based Two-Sample Tests
- gTestsMultiNew Graph-Based Multi-Sample Tests
- kerSegNew Kernel-Based Change-Point Detection
- kerTestsGeneralized Kernel Two-Sample Tests