Adrian Baddeley
Author of 20 CRAN packages
Adrian Baddeley has worked on 20 packages. That's an impressive feat! Adrian Baddeley must have some serious passion for coding. Adrian Baddeley has collaborated with a whopping 239 other authors. It's basically a small army of coders! Who knew package development could be such a social event?
20 Packages
- DescToolsTools for Descriptive Statistics
- globalKinhomInhomogeneous K- And Pair Correlation Functions Using Global Estimators
- globePlot 2D and 3D Views of the Earth, Including Major Coastline
- goftestClassical Goodness-of-Fit Tests for Univariate Distributions
- polyclipPolygon Clipping
- scubaDiving Calculations and Decompression Models
- spatstat.KnetExtension to 'spatstat' for Large Datasets on a Linear Network
- spatstat.dataDatasets for 'spatstat' Family
- spatstat.exploreExploratory Data Analysis for the 'spatstat' Family
- spatstat.geomGeometrical Functionality of the 'spatstat' Family
- spatstat.guiInteractive Graphics Functions for the 'spatstat' Package
- spatstatSpatial Point Pattern Analysis, Model-Fitting, Simulation, Tests
- spatstat.linnetLinear Networks Functionality of the 'spatstat' Family
- spatstat.localExtension to 'spatstat' for Local Composite Likelihood
- spatstat.modelParametric Statistical Modelling and Inference for the 'spatstat' Family
- spatstat.randomRandom Generation Functionality for the 'spatstat' Family
- spatstat.sparseSparse Three-Dimensional Arrays and Linear Algebra Utilities
- spatstat.univarOne-Dimensional Probability Distribution Support for the 'spatstat' Family
- spatstat.utilsUtility Functions for 'spatstat'
- statipStatistical Functions for Probability Distributions and Regression
- Achim Zeileis
- Torsten Hothorn
- Max Kuhn
- Karline Soetaert
- Dirk Eddelbuettel
- Hong Ooi
- Klaus Nordhausen
- Martin Maechler
- Luis Torgo
- Daniel Wollschlaeger
- Andri Signorell
- John Verzani
- Stefan Wellek
- Derek Ogle
- Michael Friendly
- Bill Venables
- Matthias Kohl
- Arni Magnusson
- Christopher Jackson
- Nicholas Cooper
- Stephane Champely
- Alec Stephenson
- Detlew Labes
- Ralph Scherer
- Ben Bolker
- John Fox
- Romain Francois
- Joseph Wood
- Kevin Ushey
- Hadley Wickham
- David Meyer
- Joshua Ulrich
- Greg Snow
- Thomas Yee
- Matthias Templ
- Tony Plate
- Hans W. Borchers
- Sandrine Pavoine
- Ken Aho
- Nick Parsons
- Terry Therneau
- Danielle Navarro
- Andreas Alfons
- Venkatraman E. Seshan
- Jim Lemon
- Tal Galili
- Ralf Stubner
- Mark Stevenson
- Gregory R. Warnes
- Michael Dewey
- Matthias Gamer
- Claus Ekstrom
- Yulia R. Gel
- Tyler Rinker
- Martin Elff
- Werner A. Stahel
- William Revelle
- Frederico Caeiro
- Alina Matei
- Mikko Korpela
- Vilmantas Gegzna
- Giovanni Millo
- Jeff Enos
- Ben Mainwaring
- George Marsaglia
- Duncan Temple Lang
- Nanina Anderegg
- Tomas Aragon
- Chandima Arachchige
- Antti Arppe
- Kamil Barton
- Daniel Chessel
- Leanne Chhay
- Clint Cummins
- Harold C. Doran
- Stephane Dray
- Charles Dupont
- Richard W. Farebrother
- Joseph L. Gastwirth
- Sereina Graber
- Juergen Gross
- Gabor Grothendieck
- Frank E. Harrell Jr
- Richard Heiberger
- Michael Hoehle
- Christian W. Hoffmann
- Soeren Hojsgaard
- Markus Huerzeler
- Wallace W. Hui
- Pete Hurd
- Rob J. Hyndman
- Friederich Leisch
- Dong Li
- Daniel Malter
- John Marsaglia
- Weiwen Miao
- Yongyi Min
- David Mitchell
- Cyril Flurin Moser
- Franziska Mueller
- Markus Naepflin
- Henric Nilsson
- Luke Prendergast
- Roland Rapold
- Brian D. Ripley
- Caroline Rodriguez
- Nathan Russell
- Nick Sabbe
- Michael Smithson
- Yves Tille
- Adrian Trapletti
- Jeremy VanDerWal
- Pablo J. Villacorta Iglesias
- Rand R. Wilcox
- Peter Wolf
- Ying Wu
- Rolf Turner
- Thomas Shaw
- Ege Rubak
- Thomas Lawrence
- Julian Faraway
- Kurt Hornik
- Paul Murrell
- Mark Padgham
- Angus Johnson
- Elliott Sales de Andrade
- Vittorio Broglio
- Pedro Antonio Neves
- Andrew Bassom
- Peter Buzzacott
- Aren Leishman
- Suman Rakshit
- Brian Ripley
- Marcelino de la Cruz Rot
- Ute Hahn
- Jorge Mateu
- Peter Kovesi
- Richard Condit
- Nicolas Picard
- Stephen Eglen
- Peter Diggle
- Andrew Bevan
- W Aherne
- Freda Alexander
- Qi Wei Ang
- Sourav Banerjee
- Mark Berman
- R Bernhardt
- Thomas Berndtsen
- Jeffrey Betts
- Ray Cartwright
- Lucia Cobo Sanchez
- Francis Crick
- Jack Cuzick
- Tilman Davies
- Michael Drinkwater
- Robert Edwards
- AE Esler
- Gregory Evans
- Bernard Fingleton
- Olivier Flores
- David Ford
- Robin Foster
- Janet Franklin
- Neba Funwi-Gabga
- DJ Gerrard
- Andy Green
- Tim Griffin
- RD Harkness
- Arthur Hickman
- Stephen Hubbell
- Austin Hughes
- Jonathan Huntington
- MJ Hutchings
- Jackie Inwald
- Valerie Isham
- Aruna Jammalamadaka
- Carl Knox-Robinson
- Mahdieh Khanmohammadi
- Tero Kokkila
- Bas Kooijman
- Kenneth Kosik
- Lily Kozmian-Ledward
- Robert Lamb
- NA Laskurain
- George Leser
- Marie-Colette van Lieshout
- AF Mark
- Annikki Makela
- Enrique Miranda
- Nicoletta Nava
- M Numata
- Matti Nummelin
- Jens Randel Nyengaard
- Yosihiko Ogata
- Si Palmer
- Antti Penttinen
- Sandra Pereira
- William Platt
- Stephen Rathbun
- Roger Sainsbury
- Dietrich Stoyan
- David Strauss
- L Strand
- Masaharu Tanemura
- Graham Upton
- Sasha Voss
- Rasmus Waagepetersen
- Keith Watkins
- H Wendrock
- Abdollah Jalilian
- Dominic Schuhmacher
- Tuomas Rajala
- Yongtao Guan
- Kassel Hingee
- Kasper Klitgaard Berthelsen
- Warick Brown
- Achmad Choiruddin
- Jean-Francois Coeurjolly
- Ottmar Cronie
- Julian Gilbey
- Jonatan Gonzalez
- Frederic Lavancier
- Greg McSwiggan
- Robin K Milne
- Rasmus Plenge Waagepetersen
- Hangsheng Wang
- Sebastian Meyer
- Jens Oehlschlaegel
- Mehdi Moradi
- Martin Hazelton
- Bethany Macdonald
- David Bryant
- Ya-Mei Chang
- Tilman M. Davies
- Martin L. Hazelton
- Paul Poncet
- The R Core Team
- The R Foundation