JAR Dependency for MCMC Using 'BEAST'
Provides JAR to perform Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) inference using the popular Bayesian Evolutionary Analysis by Sampling Trees 'BEAST' software library of Suchard et al (2018) doi:10.1093/ve/vey016. 'BEAST' supports auto-tuning Metropolis-Hastings, slice, Hamiltonian Monte Carlo and Sequential Monte Carlo sampling for a large variety of composable standard and phylogenetic statistical models using high performance computing. By placing the 'BEAST' JAR in this package, we offer an efficient distribution system for 'BEAST' use by other R packages using CRAN.
- Version1.10.6
- R versionunknown
- LicenseApache License 2.0
- Needs compilation?No
- Last release10/26/2020
Marc A. Suchard
MaintainerShow author detailsAndrew Rambaut
Show author detailsRolesCopyright holderAlexei J. Drummond
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Data provided by CRAN
- Imports1 package
- Suggests1 package
- Reverse Imports1 package